Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Quick update

November has been a busy month for us...

I have several things I want to blog about, unfortunately H has been a bit clingy lately and not letting me use the computer often.

I officially quit my job on 11/20 to become a Stay Home Mom.  Weird, right?  I feel more relaxed, but its very strange thinking I'm not going back, I worked my department for over ten years.

Also H had ear tubes put in, although the procedure was quick, I was terrified.  You might ask why someone so young had tubes put in?  Here's the story:

At birth the state requires babies to have a newborn hearing screening.  H failed in his left ear.  The said not to worry most babies pass the next time.  H passed in his left ear on the second test, but failed in his right ear.  These tests were done by speech pathologists, who then had to refer him to an audiologist.  The audiologist did another pass/fail test.  This time he failed in both ears.  This was a low point for us, we started researching hearing loss in infants, wondering if we should learn sign language, and it took a lot not to cry, realizing that there was a chance that H wouldn't have a "normal" childhood like C.  After that appointment, H was scheduled for an ABR test at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh.  That was our first bit of hope, the audiologist there determined that H's ear drums weren't moving correctly due to fluid trapped behind the drum.  She referred us to an Ears, Nose, & Throat doctor.  That doctor determined the best course of action for H was to put in tubes so that his ears would drain.  H had this procedure done on the morning of 15th.  By that afternoon, we could see that he was already hearing better.  We have a follow up soon, where they will determine if there is any hearing loss at all, but I am so hopeful.  Until the ABR test I didn't even know his hearing could improve or that in theory his hearing could be so easily fixed.  We are so grateful that things how things have turned out so far.  

Since the procedure, H really doesn't want us out of his sight though, I don't know if its a normal baby phase, something to do with having surgery, or if suddenly being able to hear better is scary.

Lastly, starting December 1st, I'm going to start a holiday weight loss challenge - anyone is welcome to join me.  My main goal is to lose some weight (no specific number) rather than add on some (which is typical with peppermint mochas and cookies being readily available.)  I promise I won't bore you with a list of things I ate today.  If you blog feel free to join me in the challenge, if you don't blog feel free to join me as well via the comments section, twitter, or facebook.  Looking forward to starting 2014 slightly thinner than I was in 2013!