Sunday, June 30, 2013

And the count down begins...

I'm 7.5  months pregnant, and I have to say, I am at the part where I am remembering how awesome not being pregnant is and how uncomfortable being pregnant is.  So my new plan is each week to post a picture, give some insight on what's going on with me and the little dude.

So at 30 weeks...

  • Due to bean's movements I cannot sleep for more than 3 hours without having to get up
  • Some of my maternity clothes are feeling snug
  • A 2-3 block walk can be a challenge
  • Bean must be growing because I am hungry and exhausted all the time
  • On Sunday, for the first time ever, I ate pickles and ice cream (although not together).  I had chicken nuggets and pickles, and then ice cream.
  • Baby is apparently the size of a cucumber.
  • This week's doctor's appointment is my last monthly appointment, I'll be seeing them every two weeks now.
  • Bean is kicking up a storm, so I'm not sure how he's going to gain any fat since he's very wiggly.
  • Its been really hot lately.  I could go for a mojito or a gin and tonic (don't worry, my go to bar drink is a Shirley Temple).  I'm glad we have AC.  I'd be a lot happier if it was like 70 degrees out instead of high 80s.
  • This is the first week where I feel so big that I can't do much.  Before it was a shouldn't. 
Didn't get a chance to get a picture this week sorry! I've been waiting since Wednesday to post this for one, and I just haven't had the chance!

52 Weeks of Blogging: Week 2 - Ten Things I Live For

Things that I live for or can't live without...

  1. My family - I love my kids, M, my parents, grandma, siblings, etc.  Need I say more?

  2. Mystery Books - I love the puzzle of figuring out who, what, why?  And it gives me some me time.
  3. Bubble baths.  I can read books and relax,
  4. Snuggles. 
  5. Traditions.  From silly things like giving my kids their first friend at the hospital to having a traditional dinner (fine china, silver, etc.) for holidays.  I think these things make life more stable and create memories.
  6. Sweets.  I love dessert, candies, etc. 
  7. Crochet. I love how I can relax, but still feel like I am achieving something. 
  8. Cooking. It amazes me how satisfying it is to make a delicious meal, sometimes out of things you don't expect to taste good. Like have you ever tried vanilla extract on its own? Yuck.
  9. Art. I love creating and viewing art. But not in a pretentious way, I just love seeing how God has people express their world, and that he gives so many people the opportunity to do so. 
  10. That moment when you have the full bed to yourself. No toddler pushing you off, no one to steal the sheets.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

52 Weeks of Blogging With A Purpose: Week 1 - Who I am

I saw that Bethany over at In This Crazy Life is doing this "challenge" and I thought it would be a great idea to do too.  Since sometimes its hard to come up with worthwhile things to say, plus I'll be more likely to devote regular time to this blog.  Like her I'm a week behind, so I'll do two posts this week.

Who I am?  

Isn't this something everyone tries to define.  Personally I hate those exercises where your write down things that describe you and then you're supposed to eliminate each word until you get to one word that describes you.  Its just too hard, too many facets, and I just don't believe that any person is primarily one thing, we have too many relationships that define us for us to be one thing.  That being said, here are a few things I feel that I am...

A Volunteer

I love volunteering, perhaps that's why I wanted to work at a non-profit, but seriously I would love to quit my job and just help where needed.  From planning a special event, to sorting clothes to the needy, to helping in a community garden, or to menial tasks like data entry.  These are things that serve a real purpose and I just want to help people, animals, communities, etc.  If I had more hours and energy in a day I would devote more time to it.  And I want to make sure my kids have a passion for volunteering as well, and don't just do it for a school project and to get into a good college.  I hope they can have the same desire to want to give back physically and financially.

An Idealist

I always try to be as hopeful and optimistic about things, which can be hard, since the best scenario doesn't always pan out.  This year has been really tough for me, between working full-time, being a mom, and being pregnant, and its very easy to get bitter, which is exhausting.

A Christian Growing in Faith

I'm working on it.  Its hard.  It can be scary.  And sometimes I don't like what God or the Bible wants me to hear.  But I find as I grow, some sort of new inner peace developing too.  But sometimes I just want to live in the moment.  Plus I am terrible at going to church.  I always like going when I do, but I just can't remember the last time I felt well rested and ready to go, which makes its incredibly hard to feel motivated on Sunday mornings.  I just have to keep reminding myself that he has a plan and to put my trust into him.

Someone who is sleep deprived

As I read through these things I realize how tired I am.  And how much its effecting who I am, or would like to be.  Between pregnancy, a toddler, and waking up at 5:30am for work I can't remember the last time I got a solid 4 hours of sleep.  I need to figure out a way for me to have the my energy back.  I might just have to wait 20 years...

A Creative Type

I like to craft, crochet, sew, draw, paint, make wreathes, design emails, create graphics, cards, etc.  I like picking out colors and making things pretty and hopefully interesting.  I try to follow my own tastes rather than what's cool (I seriously don't get why mustaches are cool.)  But I just want the world around me to be visually pleasing.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Naming Baby Bean

Does anyone think its harder to name Baby #2?

We already came up with perfect name once.  But now, whatever we choose will start a tradition and has to be just as perfect.

  • What if we choose another C name, then all of our future kids names should start with a C.  Or the one that doesn't will think we hate them or something. That would also make this blog confusing.
  • If we choose two family names again, do we have to do that with all of our kids? What if we start running out of names that we like, that are also family names?  How far back to do you go?  My mom has a family tree book that goes back to the 1600's, do those names count?  Last time we picked two of grandfathers' names, does this mean we should always pair up names like this (like my dad, his dad or our other grandfathers?)
  • Do the traditions have to apply to both genders?  Luckily this time its another boy, so we don't have to worry about this yet.
  • One of the reasons I love C's name that it has multiple nicknames, so if he decides he doesn't like the one we use, he still has plenty to pick from.  Should we eliminate a name because it only has one "normal" nickname?
Our current rules:
  • First name cannot belong to anyone in our generation of our family (siblings & cousins).
  • Middle name can share the name of someone of our generation, if the intention was to name them after someone of an older generation.
  • Must be a traditional spelling and name. We want people to be able to know how to say our kids name and not have any trouble spelling it.  Plus after spending 5 years of looking over resumes, I just want any future employer to be able to call our kid for an interview without trying to guess how to say their name.
  • Can't end with a "K" sound, since our last name starts with one.  It just doesn't sound great.
  • Can't rhyme with our last name.
  • No double initials for first and middle name, like A.A. (oh that would be awful, everything monogramed would be AKA!)
  • No juniors (M doesn't feel comfortable naming babies after him, and I think sometimes it can be confusing from my experience as a telefundraiser - especially if both dad and son attend the college).
Other things to consider:
  • What will their initials spell?  Monograms?  Does it spell out any sort of offensive/infamous groups (like would you want your kids initials to be KGB?)
  • What could be potential email addresses/usernames? (like I read a story about a Fran Atkins, whose work username/email was fatkins).
  • What if Prince William and Princess Kate pick our name?  We like traditional names, family names, and I'm first generation English-American, its quite likely we are looking at the same lists.  I don't want anyone to think we named Bean after the future King of England.  But then again does it matter, since it is so traditional?  Its not like we've suddenly decided that North is the best name ever.
So I think we have a first name for the little dude, I'm 85% sold, but it's been a lot of back and forth.  Once we came up with C's name I knew it was right, even though M wanted to wait to see the baby before giving a final yes.  (He thought there was a chance that the baby might not look like the name we picked, despite my telling him that all babies look like babies when they are born and not like specific names.)  The middle name is still up for debate.  I just want us to be on the same page come the last week of August, so that when the baby is born we can give an answer right away (I know you actually have like 15 days or something, but what do you call the baby in the mean time? Plus can you imagine announcing on facebook, "Baby has arrived, 8lbs 7oz, 21 inches long, no name yet."  Like that's one of your first big decisions as a parent, and you've had about 40 weeks to decide (unless you end up on that I didn't know I was pregnant show), shouldn't you just make a decision?)  

So why is #2 so much harder to name?  In theory, we already know what names we like, so should we just pick the next name on the list?  So for those of you who have been there, how do you pick the perfect name for a second time (or 3rd, 4th, 5th...)  What are your rules and thoughts on names?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hello June!

The kid's room is coming along nicely!  M was able to get floors and dressers stained and finished last weekend.  C started using a toddler bed on Sunday night, which seems to be a big adjustment for the whole family (since he's no longer contained).  There's nothing like brushing your teeth in the morning only to hear the bathroom door open and a sweet little voice say "mama?".  Getting him to fall asleep in the bed has been a bit trying, I think the bigger room is a bit scary to him.  Plus we don't have the crib for bean in yet or artwork up, so the room feels a bit empty.  I'm hoping we can get the artwork up tonight, and the crib this weekend (naturally its just a bit wider than the door frame, so we can't just roll it down the hall!)

M started a new job last week, so its been a big adjustment getting everyone ready in the morning.  He's schedule isn't as flexible as his previous job, so he has to be there during normal working hours.  It makes mornings a bit hectic, since I have to leave about 15-20 mins before M & C, but it does mean we have extra time in the evening hang out, which I am really appreciative of.  I'm hoping that its only a few more weeks of chaos before we settle into a good routine.

Baby Bean will be in here in about 11 weeks, which doesn't sound very long at all.  He's constantly kicking me I think to remind me to get a move on to get his room and stuff ready!  This week has also been full of pregnancy forgetfulness, from forgetting to tell babysitters that times changed or to leaving my purse at IKEA (somehow managed to remember my keys and phone though...)

Sunday was a little busy, I had a bridal shower and a "bump bbq"(BBQ for people who were expecting baby #2 ) to attend.  Both were a lot of fun, but boy was I exhausted afterwards.  I think I fell asleep before the sun set.

I was very excited that our grocery bill was $98 this week!  I feel like I'm getting closer to my goal.  We are trying something new to save a bit of money, switching to cloth napkins for everyday use.  Even though paper napkins don't cost that much, I thought it might be worth a try.  I've ordered 12 to start with (2.5 napkin users, that seemed like enough?)  Since I mostly order all my paper products online, and don't count them as part of the grocery bill, I thought this would help some of our other costs.

Tomorrow is M & I's 4 year anniversary.  I can't believe its been that long.  Its funny to think that 4 years ago today I was moving furniture, getting my nails done, and getting prepped to go to the rehearsal dinner.  And trying to finish a book, so I didn't have to take it on our honeymoon to just read 1-2 chapters.

Alrighty, my lunch break is over, back to work.