Thursday, January 17, 2013

First post of 2013!

Sorry for such a long delay in posts.  I could barely catch up with the holidays this year!  We visited M's parents for Thanksgiving, followed by M's final's week, and than a nasty stomach bug that hit C one week and M the other.  Next thing I knew, it was Christmas!  Followed by a trip to Phoenix to visit my sister and settling back into work.

First I would like to pose two big questions...

1.) They're are tons of articles about working moms (how to cope, what its like, don't hate SAHM etc.), but what about working Dads?  Do we just assume they're okay?  Like why is it okay for me to be emotionally upset about going back to work, but not M (I don't even know if this bothers him)?  Men become fathers and are expected to go back work within days of the birth of their child, meanwhile people complain that maternity leaves really aren't long enough?

2.) I was thinking it would be fun to start a parent's perspective of kids shows (some sort of hashtag thing on twitter). Like "do kids notice that Nina wears different pajamas throughout each episode" or "yo gabba gabba, why do the bubbles want you to kill them, that's just weird" or "I don't understand why there is a girl train on Thomas now."

Quick set of goals...

-Groceries this week (only spend $100), this year I really want to nail down the $400 monthly grocery budget.  So far I've spent $160.
-Finish the brown row on C's owl pillow
-De-Christmas the house.
-Organize the craft room again (this room becomes wrapping central during the holidays and always ends uo a giant mess.)

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