Tuesday, April 16, 2013

30 by 30

I've seen a few friends do these great lists of things they would like to accomplish by a certain age or date.  I've decided to give it a try since today is my 29th birthday.  So here is my list of things I would like to accomplish in the next year.

  1. Pay off a student loan.
  2. Get more involved within in my community or with my library.
  3. Learn to make pasta.
  4. Read the entire Bible.
  5. Have an amazing vacation/trip planned for M & I's 5th Anniversary in June 2014.
  6. Make myself a dress.
  7. Make curtains for the Kitchen with the fabric I bought 4 years ago.
  8. Have some Mommy & C time each week once Baby Bean arrives.
  9. Put together a giant granny square blanket with all the squares I've received or made over the years.
  10. Add more to the lap blanket I first made M years ago.
  11. Use credit cards less, carry more cash.
  12. Make Baby Bean an outfit and blanket just like I did for C.
  13. Make scrapbook for 2010.
  14. Successfully grow a vegetable garden.
  15. Learn to budget.
  16. Cut back on reality tv and other junky tv.
  17. Take a walk once a week.
  18. Plan a family outing once a month.
  19. Have a date night with M at least every 6 weeks.
  20. Make homemade vanilla extract.
  21. Destash 60% of my yarn collection.
  22. Read, sell, or donate any books I own that I haven't actually read.
  23. Lose an extra 10lbs after the baby weight is lost (so starting October 2013?)
  24. Find a fitness regime that works with my schedule and small children.
  25. Spend more time and less money making fresh meals, rather than relying on processed and prepackaged food.
  26. Finish scrapbook for 2011 (seriously we're talking about 2013-2014 here!)
  27. Get out and explore Pittsburgh!
  28. Organize kids' clothing so its actually easy to sort through.
  29. Pick the perfect name for Baby Bean!
  30. Go on a family vacation!

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