Who I am?
A Volunteer
I love volunteering, perhaps that's why I wanted to work at a non-profit, but seriously I would love to quit my job and just help where needed. From planning a special event, to sorting clothes to the needy, to helping in a community garden, or to menial tasks like data entry. These are things that serve a real purpose and I just want to help people, animals, communities, etc. If I had more hours and energy in a day I would devote more time to it. And I want to make sure my kids have a passion for volunteering as well, and don't just do it for a school project and to get into a good college. I hope they can have the same desire to want to give back physically and financially.
An Idealist
I always try to be as hopeful and optimistic about things, which can be hard, since the best scenario doesn't always pan out. This year has been really tough for me, between working full-time, being a mom, and being pregnant, and its very easy to get bitter, which is exhausting.
A Christian Growing in Faith
I'm working on it. Its hard. It can be scary. And sometimes I don't like what God or the Bible wants me to hear. But I find as I grow, some sort of new inner peace developing too. But sometimes I just want to live in the moment. Plus I am terrible at going to church. I always like going when I do, but I just can't remember the last time I felt well rested and ready to go, which makes its incredibly hard to feel motivated on Sunday mornings. I just have to keep reminding myself that he has a plan and to put my trust into him.
Someone who is sleep deprived
As I read through these things I realize how tired I am. And how much its effecting who I am, or would like to be. Between pregnancy, a toddler, and waking up at 5:30am for work I can't remember the last time I got a solid 4 hours of sleep. I need to figure out a way for me to have the my energy back. I might just have to wait 20 years...
A Creative Type
I like to craft, crochet, sew, draw, paint, make wreathes, design emails, create graphics, cards, etc. I like picking out colors and making things pretty and hopefully interesting. I try to follow my own tastes rather than what's cool (I seriously don't get why mustaches are cool.) But I just want the world around me to be visually pleasing.
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