Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hello June!

The kid's room is coming along nicely!  M was able to get floors and dressers stained and finished last weekend.  C started using a toddler bed on Sunday night, which seems to be a big adjustment for the whole family (since he's no longer contained).  There's nothing like brushing your teeth in the morning only to hear the bathroom door open and a sweet little voice say "mama?".  Getting him to fall asleep in the bed has been a bit trying, I think the bigger room is a bit scary to him.  Plus we don't have the crib for bean in yet or artwork up, so the room feels a bit empty.  I'm hoping we can get the artwork up tonight, and the crib this weekend (naturally its just a bit wider than the door frame, so we can't just roll it down the hall!)

M started a new job last week, so its been a big adjustment getting everyone ready in the morning.  He's schedule isn't as flexible as his previous job, so he has to be there during normal working hours.  It makes mornings a bit hectic, since I have to leave about 15-20 mins before M & C, but it does mean we have extra time in the evening hang out, which I am really appreciative of.  I'm hoping that its only a few more weeks of chaos before we settle into a good routine.

Baby Bean will be in here in about 11 weeks, which doesn't sound very long at all.  He's constantly kicking me I think to remind me to get a move on to get his room and stuff ready!  This week has also been full of pregnancy forgetfulness, from forgetting to tell babysitters that times changed or to leaving my purse at IKEA (somehow managed to remember my keys and phone though...)

Sunday was a little busy, I had a bridal shower and a "bump bbq"(BBQ for people who were expecting baby #2 ) to attend.  Both were a lot of fun, but boy was I exhausted afterwards.  I think I fell asleep before the sun set.

I was very excited that our grocery bill was $98 this week!  I feel like I'm getting closer to my goal.  We are trying something new to save a bit of money, switching to cloth napkins for everyday use.  Even though paper napkins don't cost that much, I thought it might be worth a try.  I've ordered 12 to start with (2.5 napkin users, that seemed like enough?)  Since I mostly order all my paper products online, and don't count them as part of the grocery bill, I thought this would help some of our other costs.

Tomorrow is M & I's 4 year anniversary.  I can't believe its been that long.  Its funny to think that 4 years ago today I was moving furniture, getting my nails done, and getting prepped to go to the rehearsal dinner.  And trying to finish a book, so I didn't have to take it on our honeymoon to just read 1-2 chapters.

Alrighty, my lunch break is over, back to work.

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