Sunday, January 12, 2014

Clutter Challenge Day #4

So today marks day 4 in the Clutter Challenge.  I slowed down a bit yesterday, and didn't end of up really clearing my desk until this morning.  Meanwhile I've worked on two additional projects today - so I feel caught up.

So if you remember from my last post, my desk, where I sit at daily looked like this:

Its an awful workspace, but I cleared a lot of garbage out, took things like jewelry to right place, and just organized a bit better.  In my defense this desk, has suddenly become the accumulation of the things that were at my work desk, plus the things previously there.  But here are the results!

I'm pretty happy with the results, the black file on the end, and white storage under the desk are their own special clutter mess that a plan on tackling during this challenge.  The black file really needs help as it has labels for projects/groups I'm no longer involved with.

My project today was to tackle the kids feeding stuff drawer, which is at C's level, so he likes to help organize.  I took everything out of the drawer and tossed a lot of stuff we never use (we had probably 15 pacifier covers and I can't remember the last time we used one.)  I also sorted the things that we are not quite ready to use with H yet into an empty basket that we keep in the kitchen, as we might as make it hold things.  I also put burp cloths in there since H now self burps and we don't need them often.   If we can keep this up, this should make it much easier to find things!
Basket with burp cloths and future items.

My last project of the day was to determine if all those extra items we've been keeping in the basement are worth it (kitchen stuff like coffee mugs, old napkin holders, etc.)  I found about 9 things that I'm going to try and sell on craigslist first.

For tomorrow I'm thinking I'll tackle our front hall - too many shoes, coats, mittens, and scarves.  Plus mail, and I need a way to store H's shoes as they are too small for our shoe bench and they get loss easily!

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